" hpqgends.tmp is missing” or Error 1706 could occur when trying to access the HP Photo and Imaging software.
A message appears indicating that Microsoft® Windows XP is trying to configure the software, eventually it will ask for the photo and imaging software CD to be inserted. If the software CD is not inserted and the message cancelled a 1706 error will appear.
You could also get this error with the HP G4050 amd G4010 scanners, in a different way "Insert the software Cd".
Cause for the Error " hpqgends.tmp is missing" and Error 1706 :
" hpqgends.tmp is missing” error or 1706 could occur when the hpqgends.tmp is missing from the 'Migrate' directory. "hpqgends.tmp" is located in seveal places in your computer. another reason could be that when you use cleanup utilities or the registry cleaners or the antispywares or antivirus softwares to clean your temporary files automatically.
Check whether the hpqgends.tmp is present in the following locations.
XP locations
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Digital Imaging\Migrate
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Digital Imaging\Migrate\2300c
Windows (R) 2000 locations
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Digital Imaging\Migrate
To resolve the issue serach for the file "hpqgends.tmp" in the following path
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Digital Imaging\Migrate
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Digital Imaging\Migrate\2300c
NOTE:Change the model number of your printer or scanner accordingly.
If its not available, then search for that file in the CD. Copy that file from the CD to all the above paths. Then reinstall the scanner software again on to the existing software.
Alternatively, I recommend you to download the latest software for your product from the hp website and install.
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